Words have a life of their own and truly have the power to destroy or lift another up.
I have never been a malicious type to gossip about someone, but in the name of "Love" I may have disclosed some things to another in hopes they would pray with me. This seemed innocent enough at the time, but where the "cautioning" came in was in the "art of sharing" intimate details.
Surely...this is not needed!
Don't be deceived! There is always someone lurking, waiting to hear every sorted detail of your heart, but sadly...their motives are not always pure. The trap may be set with a smile or a kind word, but we have to be on our guard always concerning the lives of others and how we pray.
We have all been tempted to talk about someone we care about to another person in the name of prayer. We honestly feel we are not doing anything wrong. We may truly feel we have their best interest at heart.
Prayer Warrior # 1 : "Please pray with me concerning ???. He has been messed up my friend!"
Prayer Warrior # 2 : "Oh I am so sorry! What happened?"
Prayer Warrior # 1 : "Girl...he has cheated on his wife and been drinking up a storm. I saw him at the Walmart last night and he looked high!"
Prayer Warrior #2 : "Oh yes...lets pray for him right now! I will call Linda later on to pray with us too. She is good friends with his wife and the Lord knows she does not know about this."
I have come to realize the best thing I can do is to take all my concerns to God in prayer first and foremost.
It is true when two or more are gathered to pray, the Lord is in the midst of our prayers. The amazing thing is God knows what we are to pray before we have prayed for those things. I am sure the "intimate" details are already known. No one likes to have their lives talked about and repeated time and again. The hurt it can cause goes deep. Some of the best people I know are God loving, and God fearing people...but the tongues are wagging and it is not a pretty site!
During this Easter season, I have purposed in my heart to do better in the words I speak concerning others.
I have a confession to make!
I may have mentioned your situation to someone.
While I should have just asked for prayer for you, I may have disclosed some intimate details of your situation and for that I am truly sorry.
I want you to know I am going to do better!
I have found a way that is much more pleasing to the Lord and to your situation.
I have been talking to God every day about you.
I have told the Lord all my hopes and dreams for you.
I sometimes have asked for special blessings to come your way.
I share how very much I love you and only want God's best for you.
The most beautiful thing happened when I spoke to the Lord about you.
He let me know how much he loves you too and will always be near you.
Oh my dear friend, God is the best listener!
He hears all my prayers concerning you and they are tucked safely in his loving heart.
It does not matter what time of day I pray, the Father never sleeps.
I do not have to worry that something may become twisted or fabricated.
His love is unconditional and he thoughts are only lovely and beautiful towards you.
I pray my spirit quickens me to close my lips and only go to the Father.
It is there where your situation will be nurtured and watered like a beautiful flower.
From my lips to God's ears...Your name will forever be lifted up.
― Abraham Lincoln