Sunnie was a little girl who lived in a tiny town called Roosterville. She had many dreams. One of her favorite dreams was to have her very own chicks. Most of the people in Roosterville called baby chicks "peeps," and that's what Sunnie called them, too. After saving her money and buying her own peeps, Sunnie set out to become a real chicken farmer. She cared for them, protected them, and made them comfortable until they were able to go outside the coop and forage for bugs and worms in the grass. She even helped them to become friends with her dog, Chrissy. Soon, the peeps would begin laying eggs. Then they would be grown-up hens. Sunnie was very happy for the love of peeps.
It was few years ago that I retired from nursing and became a backyard farmer, buying six baby chicks and naming each one. The baby chicks were my inspiration for my first little book. I loved my baby peeps and it was an amazing adventure to watch them grow into beautiful hens. Of course I had to name each one. Below are some pictures of our adventures with our Peeps.
I jumped in and had my very first book published but sadly it was not what I had envisioned. The title of that book was Sunnie and Her Peeps. You may read about the up's and down's of publishing ones first book at another one of my blogs. I do hope it will shed some light on the publishing process and creating ones very first book.
Paris knew exactly what this so called "Chrissy" was. It was only a dog! She pulled out her little magnifying glass from her little suit case that she always carried with her as Paris was always longing for adventure. Paris reassured the other chicks there was nothing to worry about.
For the Love of Peeps
Illustrations by Grace Metzger Forrest
Now almost five years later, I revisited my story and was blessed to have a great publishing company believe in my book and give it all the love it so rightly deserved. The title was changed to "For the Love of Peeps!"
Grace Metzger Forrest, a talented illustrator, worked her magic across the pages, making it such a lovely little book for children. I could not be more happy or proud of my very first book. A very special thank you to Nancy, my publisher, who has gone beyond to make this possible for me. Please check out Laurus Publishing Company!
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by!
Have a wonderful day.
Grace Metzger Forrest, a talented illustrator, worked her magic across the pages, making it such a lovely little book for children. I could not be more happy or proud of my very first book. A very special thank you to Nancy, my publisher, who has gone beyond to make this possible for me. Please check out Laurus Publishing Company!
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by!
Have a wonderful day.