We arrived at the house late Friday afternoon ready to go! They girls were ecstatic! My son and his wife took us around to the girls school and gave us the low down on all that was expected. These young adults were amazing! Like a fine, tuned car, they had this family running in tip top shape. My husband and I only hoped we would make them proud and the children would not be swinging from a ceiling fan upon their return.
"Mom utilize the daycare, as the girls are used to that schedule, don't feel like you have to keep them home. Believe me you may need a little break!"
"Oh son...I have done this for many years you know! We won't need the daycare, we will probably just let the girls play with us here!"
Our four year old granddaughter was so happy to see us! She ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug.
"Grammie you feel squishy!"
I don't believe I have ever been told that before. Fluffy maybe, but not squishy! What exactly does squishy mean in the eyes of a four year old?
We hit the ground running the next day! It was Saturday so we decided to take the girls to the park. It was a busy, but a fun day! So far we were doing great! We patted our selves on the back and even snuck in some high fives when the girls were not looking. Bedtime was easy breezy! We got this we thought!
The week will fly by and we will be voted the best squishy, grandparents ever!!!
Out of the blue, Sunday became a blur, as this Grammie fell deathly ill all of a sudden. I mean I felt like a truck had run me over, with a high fever, aches, and all. This left me in bed and my husband pulling a two grandparent job! I thought by Monday I would be fine!
Suddenly I thought perhaps daycare might become our best friend after all! I am sick!
I began to worry a little. We are talking about getting up three little girls, dressing them, feeding them, taking them to school, pre-school, and then daycare on Monday morning. I crawled out of bed to lay the girls clothes out for the next morning. We still got this! At least I can help a little. I really wanted to be that well tuned machine!
I could not let the kids know I was sick! If they should call... my husband would talk to them and make up some lame excuse for me as to why I could not come to the phone. I knew if they knew I was ill, they would have come straight home!
Monday morning rolled around and I was even worse, if that was even possible! I could not get out of bed, and fear of infecting the little ones was on my utmost mind.
Day care here we come!
In-between drifts of sleep, I could hear two of the little Divas discussing their clothes with Papa. They had decided to "change their minds" concerning what their fashion statement would be for that day. I knew this would be an issue, and that is why me and the girls had this covered the night before. At least Grandpa would not have to pick out clothes. This was NOT a good idea to lay this task on Grandpa who spends his days working with harden criminals in the Justice System! This may be more than he can handle!
I could hear their whole conversations from the bedroom!
"What? Uh...Really? I am colored blind? It means I can't tell! Just wear that! Your hair? Uh...Okay...Sorry that is the best I can do! Bye Honey, we are gone!"
And off they went! Somewhere in between all that commotion I fell asleep once more!
Once my husband returned I observed a pleased look on this face. I think he was quite proud that he had pulled off the first day without me. Surely I would be up and around by noon. It did not happen!
My fever continued to climb and we knew that I needed to see a doctor. We found a clinic near by and $200.00 dollars later, as they did not accept our insurance, I was diagnosed with a pretty bad case of Strep. After a few round of antibiotics, I began to feel better, but still feeling the effects of a horrible sore throat. We made it through the week and even though challenging, I would not have changed one thing, except the Strep part!
A few months later the kids came to visit us and our little four year old ran up too me giving me a big hug!
"Oh good Grammie, you still feel squishy!"
Now most might feel little complex coming on by now, but I decided to look at being squishy as an endearing term.
Here are my thoughts on being squishy!
Like a nice soft, squishy pillow!
Squishy is not hard! Why? Because its Squishy!
Squishy is flexible, and with children...being Squishy is a must!
Being Squishy is like playing with that bubble wrap! Need I say more?
Being Squishy is like Play Doe, anything is possible!
Squishy is those soft, warm Chocolate Chip cookies.
Squishy is the way our under arms flap in the wind.
Squishy is the way the little ones play with our squishiness for entertainment!
Squishy is the long, big hugs that never end!
Squishy is being a Grandmother and that is better than Not being Squishy at all!