Her nursing career has touched many, as she cared for them in the most loving way. I am proud to know Maria and call her one of my dearest friends for many years now. She is not only a talented writer but a gift to all who is blessed to call her friend. I would like to call her the Energizer friend. She never misses a beat and is always ready to encourage a friend. I can not tell you how many times I have found a card or a care package in the mail. Maria is remarkable that way. I know I am not the only one to have experienced her giving heart.
This wonderful book will pull at your heart strings as she speaks of her lovely mother, Sammie. A lovely mother, daughter relationship in which they nourished each other in magnificent ways. Maria continues to write about her beloved Aunt Baby, her Golden Retriever. There is so much richness to be found among the pages of this book. It is sprinkled with beautiful pieces of poetry. Her thoughts on survival and worries in this life bring hope to those who take the time to absorb her words.