It now lays fast asleep,
In a place where coldness dwells.
Hush a bye Winter.
I tiptoed with a gentle joy,
For I could feel the touch of Spring,
Awakening me from my dormant existence.
Hush a bye Winter.
A touch from Spring has finally come to call,
Caressing my heart from within.
If only for a moment in time.
Hush a bye Winter.
If only for a few hours...
I will welcome the change.
Hello my sweet Spring!
Hush a bye Winter.
I opened the windows!
The warmth of the sun,
Now blankets my soul.
Hush a bye Winter.
Should Winter awake,
I will rock the coldness to sleep,
Where all coldness dwells.
Hush a bye Winter.
For Spring has come to comfort me.
I remember the fields of gold,
And the warmth of the sun.
Hush a bye Winter.
Written By Kimmie Thompson
Copywrite 2016