I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth."
Psalm 139:14
Losing my mother in law was so hard. It was sudden and without any warning! My days seem to continue to go down hill with my knee surgery and recovery. Writing was placed on the back burner. I just did not have the emotional fortitude to even try. Many a days I would sit in front of my computer, praying for some inspiration, but it seemed as if my well had run dry!
This morning as I sat once more, I suddenly had a thought about changes. I could feel a slight stirring and I finally received a little sprinkle of inspiration.
For those of you who follow me, I do apologize it has taken me so long to put my pen to the page. As you know, I love to write about real life situations and sometimes enjoy giving them a little twist. It is my hope that you can relate and my blog may give you some hope or encouragement. I love sharing my heart about things that influence us all as we age.
So today I would like to talk about changing those things that need changing and leaving the things that do not need to change, even when we are tempted to change them.
This morning when I thought of writing about this change in my life, I felt it was somewhat superficial. Here I go talking about my hair once more, but if you will stay with me, I will try to bring it all together and possibly give this subject a bit more depth. Maybe you will be able to relate to changes that have happened in your own life.

It was hard enough to commit myself to "Dye Anonymous" but to see I had acquired the so called "SKUNK LINE" toyed with my vanity buttons even more so!
I knew there must be a scientific explanation for it, but honestly... I had not taken the time to look it up. I was sure in my limited knowledge it had to do with pigments and all that.
Anyway...When I first quit dyeing my hair, almost five years ago, it was a life changing event. I committed myself to not dyeing my hair any longer. Almost daily, I argued with myself about leaving my hair alone.
For some women this is not be a big deal, but for those of us who had dyed their hair over and over for many years, it can be a very big deal! I could not keep up with the silver wanting to shine and not only did I have the grey to deal with but this streak began to make itself known.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
For starters...I would never think of my "Skunk Stripe" as cool, but to say it out loud just felt weird. However...I just giggled and said, " She can't miss it for sure!"
I went home and dyed my black streak. Upon drying my new dyed hair, I was horrified to find that it had turned a strawberry blonde. I now no longer had a dark streak but had a bright strawberry blond one against all my silver. I was horrified! What had I done? I did not pass go, nor collect my two hundred dollars, I ran straight to the hair dresser begging them to fix it.
Once again I was assured..."No problem we can blend it all in."
What that meant was they would highlight the strawberry blonde all through my hair and I would no longer have the streak but also my silver hair would no longer be.
After all was said and done...I was now a strawberry blond and my silver hair was dead and gone or I should say hidden under all the dye. All the mental work I did to give up the dye and was down the toilet before I could say..."Skunk Stripe!"
It is amazing how other women can find you when you make a change. I bet I ran into every one I knew my entire life in one weeks time. The main comment was..."I thought you were not going to dye your hair anymore!"
It was kind of embarrassing. SO now I felt the the need to explain the whole ordeal. I had made such a big deal out of the "NO DYE THANGY!" I felt I had gone back on my word, but truly...It is my hair and who cares! It is not like there is a HAIR DYE POLICE walking around monitoring who flunked out of DYE ANONYMOUS!
A couple of weeks had passed and I began to notice the silver making its debut once again. It was not long before my "Skunk Stripe" came back with a vengeance.
"I'll get you my pretty and the rest of your hair too!!!
I could hear my black streak saying to me...."You cant get rid of me that easy!"
It was then I decided this was who I am! I am the lady with the cool black streak!
Ageing gracefully is not always easy. I fell into the trap of trying to hide my true identity and change my outward appearance because of my own insecurities. Some time in my life I must have heard that having a black streak was not good. Why would I worry over it. As superficial as it may have been, my motives and feelings ran deep, and it was a struggle.
It is not easy to accept and be oneself in a world that is constantly bombarding us women with a picture of who they think we should be. I would like to know who wrote the book and made all these so called "social norms."
I am happy to report that I have now embraced my black streak and call it my life line. It reminds me that God made me just the way I am and he knows every hair on my head.
I mean who am I to mess with His creation!
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don?t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Matthew 10:29-31
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