Of course...if a man was writing this, I am sure he would get all kinds of feathers in a ruffle. I think I am on safe ground and if we are honest, as women, we will relate.
As a woman, I realize we are all bound to be moody at times. We can blame it on all kinds of things, but if we are honest, sometimes we have no idea why our moods have made a turn for the worse.
"What's wrong honey? You seem down? A bit short with me?"
"Nothing is wrong and I dont know what you are talking about! I am fine!"
All the while we are thinking of a hundred things that it could be, but we cannot pin down just one.
Our poor men folk are forever trying to figure out where these moods originate and how they can fix them. One minute we are smiling as if everything is right with the world and with out warning, we are shaking our tail feathers and squawking like no tomorrow.
What if we women were really Hens?
For those of you who have no knowledge of chickens, they have these weird looking appendages that are located on top of their heads. They are called Combs. You actually can tell if they are feeling well by the way the comb stands up. If they are not feeling well, the comb may fall to the side.
Now ladies just think what would happen if every time we got upset and we had no control over our hair. Suddenly we are in a MOOD! Our hair begins to go all hay wire. There would be no hiding our feelings!
Thank you Lord for giving the Hen this wonderful gift! For us women, we are thankful for just a little bit of static electricity from time to time which makes us who we are.
I remember when we were raising our chickens. I was always making sure we were taking care of them properly. I was quite taken back when one of our Hens began to become broody. I was kind of lost as to what to do. She reminded me of me...somewhat stubborn and moody at times!
One day out of the blue our Hen was no longer social and began to sit in her nesting box. It went on for days on end. We actually had to physically take her out of the coop and place her on the ground. We tried to get her to eat and drink. She was not happy when we attempted to move her either. Her "broody moody self" kept us on our toes and lasted a couple weeks. One day she was over it and by then we were too.
So how does a broody Hen compare to a woman you ask?
I can tell you our moods come out of the blue. We do not always know WHEN they are going to come and for HOW long. We do not always know WHY they have come to pay a visit either. They are in our DNA and only the good Lord knows.
Have you heard the saying... "SHE IS AS MAD AS A HEN!"
Well I can just stop right here!
There's your sign!
When the moods hit, just like a Hen, we want to be left alone! If you try to persuade us other wise, we may squawk at you. Some who are more physical may give a little peck. I am not in favor of "pecking" at a Rooster. This may only bring on bigger problems!
The barn yard is open! Walk away!
Should you want to get a pencil and paper to take notes please do so. If anything...You may be reassured that you will never become a chicken farmer.
Most of the time we women have given all we can give and just need a break. If you think about it Hens are much the same way! They are always producing eggs and then they have to sit on their eggs for hours and even days. They are called to watch over them with care, waiting for them to hatch. Do you see the similarities? They then have to show the little peeps the ropes. They spend endless hours foraging for food. It is not easy being a Hen if you get my drift.
Women are much the same. We have tons to do and our role as a nurturer is never ending. Sometimes we just get over loaded by life's work and need time to reset.
If we do not... WATCH OUT! The broodiness may take over! Did I say may? I mean IT WILL TAKE OVER!
It is possible that we need a little TLC to help us get out of our broodiness.
2-Should we not feel like foraging for food that day, here is a winning tip. Perhaps the Rooster can forage for a nice dinner with out any thoughts of bedding down in the coop later if you know what I mean.
3-An empty nest can be a sad thing for us. Perhaps you could nudge the little peeps to come for a visit and spend some time with the flock. This would be a nice pick me up and we would not feel like brooding over an empty nest.
4-A broody Hen has been know to pull out her breast feathers in frustration. This is not a pretty sight!
If you catch your love changing her hair color or cutting her hair every other week, you can bet she is trying to sooth some frustration. Perhaps a day at the spa will give her a needed respite and boost her mood thus prevent her from doing something YOU BOTH will regret later.
5- It is a fact that a broody Hen may cause the whole flock to act out. A moody woman can play havoc on the whole family.
Paying attention to your little Hen will reap wonderful benefits (layer.) Wink! Wink!
I hope this brought a smile to your day.
If you are some what apprehensive now, don't fret!
Look on the bright side!
Unless you are married to a chicken,
I do believe most of these tips will help.
Don't let your cup run dry!
Always try to refuel!
Take time to nurture yourself!
End your day with a smile!
Be thankful.