I think of all the garden essentials we have acquired this season, the rain barrel was our most exciting purchase.
To capture the rain, and saving water environmentally is truly wonderful and a great way of giving back to the earth.

We all have the ability to help conserve water, even in the smallest of ways. I do believe if we did NOT have a garden, we would have still invested in a couple of rain barrels. Conserving water in rain barrels can be of use in a number of ways. Some ideas that come to mind is washing cars, dogs, drinking, and even washing hair. We made the decision a while back to no longer buy plastic bottles so we use a Berkey water filtration system. Please check out the link below on the Berkey. We do not get paid to advertise for them, we just like the product.
Roy's Thoughts on the Installation and Quality of the Enviro World Corporation Rain Barrels.
*This item is only shipped within the US for those who may want to order from overseas*
We did have a delay in shipping, but after reaching out to the company, they responded quickly.
We realize shipping problems can occur at times and is beyond a company's control. We appreciated the promptness in which they responded.
I would recommend this sturdy water barrel. The price in my opinion was very reasonable. It cost $89.64 with free shipping through Amazon.
Ten Interesting Facts About Our Water Consumption
2-110 million of gallons of water is consumed every day in the US
3-Only 2 percent of all water on Earth is freshwater and only 1 percent is available for drinking.
4-60 percent of water goes to lawn maintenance
5-The growing population has tripled water demands in the last 50 years.
6-One household can make the difference to conserve water for the future.
5-An acre foot of water is about 326,000 gallons. One-half acre foot is enough to meet the needs of a typical family for a year. There are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot of water.
6-If you water your grass and trees more heavily, but less often, this saves water and builds stronger roots.
7-About 800,000 water wells are drilled each year in the United States for domestic, farming, commercial, and water testing purposes.
8-Industries released 197 million pounds of toxic chemicals into waterways in 1990.
9-One inch of rainfall drops 7,000 gallons or nearly 30 tons of water on a 60' by 180' piece of land.
10-According to recent reports, nearly 5% of all U.S. water withdrawals are used to fuel industry and the production of many of the material goods we stock up on weekly, monthly, and yearly.

We hope this post has been informative and useful.
Happy Easter!
God Bless you and yours,
See you soon,
Roy and Kim